Menifee Neighbors Care

Our Future Together

Welcome To Menifee Neighbors Care

Hello and welcome to our website. Menifee Neighbors Care is a new city of Menifee community news and advocacy organization established to assure that our city maintains a high quality of life for all residents. Menifee residents value the beauty of our community, public safety, clean air, healthy lifestyles, economic growth, community parks, modern library and quality public education for our children.

To maintain a high quality of life also means that we have to monitor the decisions that our city council, city planning commission and city committees make on our behalf. We have begun to notice that business project proposals are submitted and approved and then later there are amendments and waivers being approved which significantly change the original plans. These changes go under the public radar and may negatively impact Menifee’s high quality of life in the future.

We welcome you to visit our website often for updates, join our free website e-list for information and send us your ideas, opinions and recommendations. Feel free to ask questions that we can research, feel free to send us information.


Denial of Appeal Clears the Path for Massive Warehouse Project in Menifee

The proposed Motte Business Center, a significant warehousing project slated for development on approximately 44 acres of predominantly vacant land at the southeast side of the Interstate 215/Ethanac Road interchange in Menifee, has received the green light to move forward after the city council denied an appeal this week.

The project, spearheaded by Atlanta-headquartered CORE5 Industrial Partners, LLC, is set to encompass one concrete tilt-up building spanning a total of 1,138,638 square feet, with nearly all of the space dedicated to warehousing. The structure, standing at 50 feet tall, will boast 616 auto and 284 truck-trailer parking spaces to accommodate its scale.

The project site, bordered by McLaughlin Road to the south, Ethanac Road to the north, Antelope Road to the east, and Dawson Road to the west, was subject to review by the Menifee Planning Commission, which certified an environmental impact report and approved a tentative parcel map and plot plan for the development on December 13.

Following the planning commission's decision, an appeal was lodged with the city, contesting the project's approval. However, on February 21, the Menifee City Council, serving as the lead agency on the proposed project, rejected the appeal. While acknowledging the project's significant environmental impact, the council determined that adequate mitigation measures are in place to address concerns.

The Motte Business Center represents a strategic endeavor by CORE5 Industrial Partners, LLC, a reputable real estate company specializing in property development and acquisition. With the appeal denied, the project can now progress, contributing to the economic growth and development of Menifee.

Quality of Life in Menifee

The AARP Livability Index is a tool that helps individuals assess the quality of life in different cities and communities. The index measures the livability of a location based on a variety of factors, including housing, transportation, environment, health, engagement, neighborhood, and opportunity. Each category is assigned a score out of 100, and the overall livability score is the average of the scores in each category. In this article, we will explore the AARP Livability Index and how Menifee, California scores in comparison to nearby city Temecula, with a particular focus on the housing category.

Menifee is a city with a total population of 90,349. The demographics of Menifee include 7% African American, 6% Asian, 36% Hispanic, and 64% White residents. The city has an aging population, with 35% of residents aged 50 or older and 18% aged 65 or older. The median income in Menifee is $79,330, and the poverty rate is 9%. The city has a high upward mobility score of 42, indicating that residents have good opportunities to improve their economic status. The overall livability index score for Menifee is 39, which is lower than the national average score of 50.

The Menifee Website Envisions Our Future
Questions Do Not Address What Needs To Be Done In 5 Years

The posted Menifee city website question asks for your opinion on what Menifee should look and feel 5 years from now? What does that mean? The obvious answer is that it should look beautiful and be safe. This answer contributes nothing for what needs to be done in the next 5 years to assure a good quality of life in the future. The next issue with the question is that the city intentionally limits your response to 500 characters which is about 90 words not 500 words. How can anyone begin to address their numerous opinions, concerns and recommendations when there is no space for you to describe all your thoughts in detail. The city needs to allow a reasonable amount of space such as for 2,000 words not characters for residents to write their opinions and comments.

Residents need to attend the Tuesday December 10, 8:00am Special City Council Meeting in person or on-line and tell the Mayor and City Council that the public did not have an opportunity to review all Strategic Plan opinion and survey questions and make recommendations before they became part of the Strategic Plan process. The city and its consultants assume that residents are not capable of evaluating and recommending appropriate questions. The city is in fact manipulating the questions to provide almost meaningless and unactionable information. In fact, the majority of the Strategic Plan actions appear to support private business development and minimum benefits for Menifee residents.

Menifee Neighbors Care Launches Monthly Menifee Resident Opinion Survey

Menifee Neighbors Care is happy to announce that every month we will conduct a new Menifee Resident Opinion Survey. Each monthly survey will focus on topics of concern to residents. Menifee residents can submit new survey topics for consideration and can recommend questions that they would like to see included in the survey. The surveys will be reviewed and the results published on the Menifee Neighbors Care website.

What is an opinion survey? Opinion surveys are also commonly called opinion polls which purpose is to obtain information from participants on their concerns, attitudes, feelings, beliefs and reactions about a specific subject or impact from a specific experience. The basic goal of an opinion survey is to give everyone regardless of their education, employment, wealth, race, culture, religion, language or politics an equal voice about issues, concerns and decision making.

Opinion surveys can also be focused on specific subjects to provide more detailed information, can be random sample, population, policy, project, program and area specific. Menifee Neighbors Care will be conducting Focused Surveys. A Focus Survey is designed to provide exploratory information rather than conclusive research data information.


Community Announcement:

Enhancing Our Preparedness and Safety in Menifee

We are thrilled to announce the launch of two groundbreaking emergency management tools: Alert Menifee and Genasys Protect. These platforms are a testament to our commitment to the safety and well-being of every resident in Menifee. By introducing these innovative resources, we are taking a significant step forward in ensuring our community is better prepared, more resilient, and capable of responding effectively to emergencies.

Introducing Alert Menifee: Your Direct Line to Safety

Alert Menifee is more than just a notification system; it's your personal safety net. It keeps you informed about critical public safety issues, from severe weather events to evacuation orders and road closures. The power of Alert Menifee lies in its customization. During sign-up, you have the freedom to select the types of alerts that matter most to you and decide how you want to receive them—whether through landline, cell phone, text/SMS, or email. You can even prioritize the order of these notifications. This ensures that you receive timely and relevant information in the way that suits you best.

Moreover, by encouraging you to register important addresses, Alert Menifee offers targeted messages that are specific to your location, enhancing your preparedness for any situation. Rest assured, the information you provide is secure and will only be used for communicating crucial emergency and city information. This level of personalization and security is a game-changer in how we stay informed and safe.

Genasys Protect: Mapping Our Way to Safety

Genasys Protect brings the power of visualization to emergency management. This interactive map is not just a tool; it's your guide to understanding and navigating the complexities of evacuations. With Genasys Protect, you can easily search for your pre-determined evacuation zone and stay updated on live zone statuses, road closures, and evacuation points during emergencies. This information is vital, especially when quick decisions and actions are necessary.

We encourage all residents to familiarize themselves with their evacuation zones and keep this information accessible, like posting it on the fridge or near the door. This simple step can make a significant difference in an emergency, providing clarity and direction when it matters most.

Why This Matters

The introduction of Alert Menifee and Genasys Protect is more than just an upgrade to our city's emergency management capabilities. It represents a shift towards a more informed, empowered, and resilient community. These tools enable us to better protect ourselves, our families, and our neighbors by staying informed, prepared, and connected. By embracing these platforms, we enhance our collective ability to face emergencies with confidence and solidarity.

We strongly encourage every resident of Menifee to sign up for Alert Menifee and explore Genasys Protect. Together, let's strengthen our community's safety and resilience for today and the future.

How Many Gas Stations Are Too Many?

A Menifee resident has brought to our attention their concern as to how many corner gas stations do we need in our city? They said that they would prefer to support more attractive small retail and services type businesses on corners. Gas stations are not appealing, they cause traffic congestion at corners, it is hard for pedestrians to cross the street, desperate car drivers make illegal turns and change lanes at the last minute to get to a gas pump. Gas stations sell beer and wine which makes them a 24hr. public safety concern. The typical size of one gas station could support 3-4 small local community businesses or more. More new gas stations will lower the economic profit of exiting gas stations who were the early pioneers of investing in our city.

Often times residents need to review their city master plan, planning department policies, procedures and conditional use permits to see if they need to updated. There comes a time we must set a limit on the number and types of industries and businesses we want in our city.

Residents must also be aware of future changes such as California’s transition to zero emission electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell cars. No new gas car will be allowed to be sold in California after 2030, which means we have to start planning for Electric Charging Stations and Hydrogen Refueling Stations. Existing gas station businesses in Menifee should be prioritized for our electric car transition now.

Let's Work Together for Cleaner Air in Menifee

From the California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Reduce Idling, Protect Menifee's Health

Do you want to breathe easier and enjoy cleaner air in Menifee? Then join the California Air Resources Board (CARB) as we work together to reduce vehicle idling and improve air quality in our community.

Understanding Idling:

Idling occurs when a vehicle's engine runs while the vehicle is stationary. Excessive idling, especially by diesel trucks, buses, and vehicles near residential areas, schools, and shopping centers, poses concerns for communities across California.

CARB's Role and Mission:

CARB is committed to enforcing clean air regulations for idling diesel trucks and buses statewide. While our idling rules primarily target diesel vehicles, it's crucial for all vehicles to reduce idling to protect community health and the environment.

Why Reduce Idling?

Reducing idling offers significant benefits:

  • Protects Community Health: By minimizing idling, we safeguard the health of vlinerable community members, including children, the elderly, and those with respiratory conditions.
  • Improves the Environment: Decreasing unnecessary idling helps combat air pollution and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.
  • Saves Money: Cutting down on idling reduces fuel consumption and prevents costly wear and tear on vehicles, leading to financial savings for individuals and businesses.
  • Enforcement and Guidelines:

CARB's regulations limit diesel truck and bus idling to 5 minutes in most areas. Exceptions exist, but vehicles must avoid idling within 100 feet of sensitive locations like schools and healthcare facilities. While these rules don't apply to passenger vehicles, all drivers are encouraged to limit idling time.

How You Can Help:
  • Limit Idling Time: Turn off your engine if you anticipate waiting for more than 10 seconds, regardless of the vehicle type.
  • Maintain Your Vehicle: Regular maintenance reduces emissions and fuel consumption, benefiting both your health and the environment.
  • Report Idling Vehicles: Help enforce idling regulations by reporting diesel trucks and buses idling in restricted areas. Provide detailed information when filing a report, including location, time, and vehicle details. Join Us Today!
  • Let's take action together to make Menifee a cleaner and healthier place to live. For more information and to report idling vehicles, contact us at or visit
Together, we can make a difference in improving air quality and protecting the well-being of our community.

Menifee Needs To Establish A City Community Sustainability Plan

The city of Menifee’s population is over 106,000 and it is now time to discuss and plan some very important future growth elements for our city. Menifee needs to create a comprehensive City Community Sustainability Plan as a blueprint for our communities’ sustainable future. It is first good to know, what is a Sustainable Community? A Sustainable Community is a community that is planned for the future and promotes sustainable and equitable policies, regulations, practices and programs that will benefit all residents, the community and the environment.

A Community Sustainability Plan has many topic elements such as Population Growth Planning, Affordable Future Housing Development Needs, Multi-Cultural Community, Zero Emissions Freight and Public Transportation, Public School Safety, Healthy Community Living, Diversified Economic Development, Sustainable Construction, Climate Change Planning, Environmental Stewardship, Emergency Preparedness and Community Resilience. Each month we will focus on sharing information on the different elements of a Community Sustainability Plan and inviting your opinions, research and recommendations.

City Fails To Hold Public Meetings On The Status Of The Current 2018-2023 Strategic Plan Before Embarking On The New Update

Menifee residents had less than 3 months to review the existing 2018-2023 Strategic Plan prepare their concerns, requests and opinions and were not advised that there was a Strategic Plan May 2022 Update Report available.

The Strategic Plan May 2022 Update Report was just posted this week with the January 10 city council special meeting agenda. Many people may not have noticed this report because it was attached to the end of the agenda and not as a separate document item attachment, which is the standard practice in most cities.

Most Menifee residents are probably not aware of this Strategic Plan May 2022 Update Report and therefore could not review and verify that the current city 2018-2023 Strategic Plan has met all Goals and Objectives.

If the report had been listed with the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan residents would have had an opportunity to change their opinions, answers, questions or requests to the survey questions being asked.

The city should have held public meetings to review and discuss the progress or lack of progress in complying with all the Goals and Objectives in the current 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. A quick review of the Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan discloses that there were still 41 Milestones yet to be determined (TBD). This means nothing is being done. In addition, there were 4 items On-Hold with no determined date to be addressed.

There were also numerous studies, plans and analysis completed as part of the 2018- 2023 Strategic Plan which obviously came to some type of findings, conclusions and recommendations and we do not know if the city has adopted and are implementing any of them.

Residents need to attend the Tuesday December 10 8:00am Special City Council Meeting in person or on-line and tell the Mayor and City Council to stop the current schedule and hold new public meetings to review the current 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, Goals and Objectives Implementation Plan.